Friday, July 6, 2012

Czech It Out!

This video definitely doesn't document our most academic moments, but it's a collection of some of our fun moments!

Final Days in the Czech Republic

I am going to use this last post for our final days in Europe as well as to add some miscellaneous bits that can't be forgotten.

Now that this wonderful experience is behind me, I can look back and say that it was the best three months of my life.  I can't begin to explain how blessed I feel to have had the opportunity to travel with such a great group, seeing and doing things I never thought I'd have the chance to do and getting to know people I wouldn't have otherwise met.  Everyday was a new adventure and it was always fun, no matter what we ended up doing.  One day I saw a sign that read "When is the last time you did something for the first time?"  If I had read that sign in America I would've had to think about the answer.  In Europe the answer was always "about 30 seconds ago."  The new experiences were endless. The places I visited were unreal. The people I met were incredible. It is no wonder that returning to America was such a great challenge.  I don't think I've ever missed anything as badly as I miss Europe; but, for now, the memories will have to do. One thing is for sure: Nechala jsem 
sve srce v Olomoci! (I left my heart in Olomouc)

Our group at the Omaha airport getting ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. It's hard to believe we were ever strangers.

Beautiful beautiful Olomouc.
My two favorite flatmates Göke and Gonzalo.  Also the first two Europeans I met.

Our fearless leaders Dr. Clark, Jan, and Martin. (I must give Tara credit for this priceless picture).

Last night at Belmondo.

Courtney teaching the guys their N'Sync dance for American night.

My Hermana Mayor! I don't know how it started but Viri became the big sis I never had. She is so funny!

Because we lived on the outskirts of the city, this is the path I got to jog on.

Our room tended to get a little messy, especially when we returned from our trips.

Gonzalo made this delicious thing called a Spanish Omelet. To give an idea of how much grease goes into it, I went sliding across the kitchen floor after he made one.

McDonalds is even popular in Europe. Theirs are nicer than ours. And their fruit parfaits are to die for!

Our wonderful Czech teacher Katka. I LOVED this class!

Lisa and I were the front row students this semester. Always studious compared to those people behind us.

Globus + Vincent = best shopping experience ever

Real Belgian waffles made by Vincent's mom. 

Celebrating Chelsea's win aka celebrating no homework because Dr. Clark's team won.

Our beloved Cafe' 87

Beautiful Olomouc

Ever been in a Czech cemetery? It is so cool!

Vincent trying on his floaties. He has a pool to go with them.

The path we walked to our classes everyday.

Our history building.

This coffee machine saved so many of us on so many occasions.

Last minute "studying" before the final.

Dr. Clark decided to give my test a special label.

An important tram stop.

Caesar's is the first and last place we ate in Olomouc. It was so strange comparing our thoughts and emotions of those two meals.

The last night at Belmondo.

In order to build up our immune systems, Tara and I would frequently lick the rails.  I don't want to know how many germs we picked up from all the public transportation. Hand sanitizer quickly became my best friend.

Packing up three months of our lives was not an easy task.
I collected elephants from every country I visited.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Final Trip of the Trip

The day after Tara' s birthday dinner Yolima and I headed off on our own for one last trip in Europe. We planned our travels as we went. No well-thought-out schedule or agenda. Fortunately (maybe miraculously) we had no problems along the way. After successfully navigating this trip we feel like we can dominate any city on the planet....maybe.

Berlin. We arrived in Berlin the night of May 23rd, then spent the next day power walking around the city in order to see as much as possible.  It felt like we saw the whole city in just four hours. We were proud.

Berlin Wall Monument

Checkpoint Charlie.

Enjoying some German sunshine.

Berlin train station: better than any mall I've ever been in.

The Netherlands
May 24-26, 2012

This part of the trip was very special to me.  During my freshman year of college I met Pauline and Nikky who were studying abroad at UNK. Yolima and I had the chance to see both of them during our short visit to their beautiful country.

Thanks to some fantastic tour guides we were able to see four cities in one day, eat all kinds of traditional Dutch food, and visit all the "must-see" places.

Rotterdam (Pauline's home)
Picnic in the park, water taxi ride, outdoor market.
Beautiful port of Rotterdam.

That's raw fish I'm eating. Surprisingly good. Just really slimy.
All those flowers for only 5€!

Delft (Nikky's home)
Cafe, town square, the big wooden shoe, huge church.
Yoli and me in front of that humongous church.

Me, Yoli, Nikky sitting in the wooden shoe.

So endearing. I could live here.

Starbucks, ice cream, Edward Cullen sighting (sadly I wasn't quick enough with the camera, but I could've sworn it was him!)
Three very special friends.
Mag ik een ijsje alsjeblieft? That means "May I have some ice cream please?" and they made me say it to the ice cream lady.

Thank goodness for Starbucks.

Red Light District (sad and disturbing), gay bar (no comment), bar fight (scary).

Amsterdam at night.

I love their mode of transportation!

Experiencing Amsterdam

We just happened to run into Jed and Courtney wandering through the city. It must be some subconscious American connection.

May 26-27, 2012

Yolima and I took one of Europe's speedy trains from Rotterdam to Paris where we met up with Ann and Tara.  During our time in Paris we got to see the Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Avenue des Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, and the Sacré Coeur on top of Montmartre Hill.  I wasn't familiar with a lot of these places until I visited them; but now I know!

In front of Notre Dame
Yoli and Me in front of the Eiffel Tower at night.

Yoli and Me in front of the Eiffel Tower during the day.

Moulin Rouge. I like it better in the movie.

Tara and Ann planning the day for us.

Enjoying the water outside the Louvre.

The picture everyone takes. Literally.

Arc de Triomphe.  This intersection was crazy!

Sacré Coeur on top of Montmartre Hill. A church service was in progress when we entered.

Seeing the Eiffel Tower was another surreal experience.